A New Year Message from Jim Humble

I want to wish all of you a very happy, successful and prosperous New Year. This certainly is a very exciting and significant time in world history—2017—the beginning of the third millennium.

Sadly, it is all too easy in today’s world to adapt the attitude of “Look at the world today, have you ever seen such a mess?” This certainly seems to be the case, and there are many “wrongs” that appear to be triumphing. But, I would like to challenge each and every one of you to adapt an attitude of “What can I do today, here and now, to make the world a better place?” By this, I am not suggesting you have to go out and perform some grand acts. To make a difference in the world it does not necessarily require “big things”, but rather little things, (kind acts, lending a helping hand), done on a consistent basis, can go a long ways to make a difference in this world.

Will you join me this coming year to make a personal commitment to always “help one another” whenever you have the opportunity? This can be applied in many ways, and certainly if you have been helped through the use of MMS, help others who need this amazing master miracle working solution as well—spread the word.

These past couple of years, you have not heard all that much from me personally, as I have been busy working on my newest book, the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. But now, as we begin 2017, I have several new things to share with you. So stay tuned as over the next few weeks, as I will be announcing, via this newsletter, some significant news.

Best wishes to all of you, for a successful New Year,

Jim Humble

Jim Humble’s Response to ABC News 20/20 Program of October 29, 2016

On Friday, October 29, 2016, ABC ran segments about MMS on at least four programs we know of: Nationally, on ABC World News Tonight and on ABC 20/20; and locally in Los Angeles and Tampa Bay.

Not one of these programs made even a single attempt to be fair and balanced. It was all about MMS being a scam, etc.

The next day, we were happy to see that KABC, Los Angeles did an interview with Lindsay Wagner, actress of the 70s TV series, “Bionic Woman.” Wagner was suffering from a chronic case of severe disabling hives and no pharmaceutical drug would help. A friend put her in touch with a woman whose child seemed to be nearly cured of severe autism using MMS. She was desperate (sound familiar?) and decided to give it a try. Within a week she was off Prednisone. The hives disappeared and never came back.

Here is the link to Lindsay’s story:

This kind of positive testimonial is common and there are thousands of them online in both written form and as videos on Youtube1—a fact that is rarely if ever given any light on mainstream news.

Lindsay did make it clear that she was not recommending MMS to anyone. That’s ok with me. I just appreciate that she shared her experience as thousands of others have.

On a follow-up article by ABC the next day (containing the 20/20 video) (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/fringe-church-founder-mms-cure/story?id=43158439), they did mention that they received over 500 emails along with a few statements people made.

Now I would like to address the various parts of the ABC 20/20 program itself:

Early on in the program, Mark Grenon is shown at a seminar, where he is mixing and then drinking properly prepared MMS. If it was poison, would he be drinking it?

The program implies that we are gouging attendees by charging $450 per seat at a seminar. Have you ever priced a hotel conference room these days? The organizer is usually charged for each table, table cloth, chair, water, extension cord, projector and screen, internet, pencil, notepad, etc., plus accommodations, food, and travel cost for all those making it happen. MMS seminars usually run from 3 to 5 days long, there isn’t much left after everyone goes home.

20/20 talks to Dr. Steven Novella, of Yale School of Medicine about the characteristics of scammers, of course implying that MMS is a scam. I wonder, has the good doc ever bothered to note that there are patented products on the market containing the key ingredients of MMS? Don’t believe me? Do your own real research in the medical literature. The FDA approves of the use of chlorine dioxide (that’s MMS) to preserve vegetables, to spray on meat (which can absorb chlorine dioxide), to purify public water works, and a thousand other uses. All these uses are at concentrations drastically weaker than what could be called a bleach.

Dealing with the news media is not always easy, especially when confronted unexpectedly with cameras, lights and a reporter asking accusatory questions. With that said, I do not approve of calling people, even reporters like Brian Ross, names. Name calling and giving into anger does not accomplish anything. It is my wish to see a productive dialog that brings value to all—not a useless fight. This may be naive on my part, but that is what I would like to see.

The program shows an MMS video testimonial from about 8 years ago where a Dr. John E. Humiston, M.D. made positive comments about MMS. If my memory serves me, he was located in Mexico at the time—a place that enjoys some medical freedom for doctors to actually be doctors. Today, his offices are in San Diego. When asked by 20/20 if he now regrets having endorsed MMS, he must of course say yes. Is anyone surprised? No US based doctor will ever endorse something that is not an approved drug if they don’t want to attract the legal arm of the FDA.

20/20 then buys some MMS and has it tested at a lab to see what it is made of. Dr. Paul Wong of Autism Speaks says that nobody should ever use MMS because it is an “industrial bleach” and that it is “scary dangerous stuff.” Sure, it would be very dumb for anyone to use it undiluted. It must be properly diluted.

But, what is the audience shown? UNDILUTED MMS poured on jeans and then we are shown how this creates a big white stain. This is a ridiculous mind trick played on those who don’t know how to properly use MMS. Yes, it is true that highly concentrated MMS (chlorine dioxide) will bleach clothes. No question about it. So what? MMS isn’t used that way! It is completely misleading to use a large amount of undiluted solution and then say THAT is what will happen in your body. There are at least 50 US patents that have been issued concerning the use of chlorine dioxide, and that includes the treating of HIV/AIDS, cleaning human blood of pathogens and poisons, and numerous other medical uses.

Common MMS applications involve 1 to 3 activated drops diluted in 4 fl. oz of water. If you use only one drop, then it would be diluted 2,400 times. That is thousands of times less strength than bleach. And as far as Clorox bleach is concerned there is no connection whatsoever. We NEVER use Clorox bleach. We never have nor do we use the ingredients in Clorox bleach. It is a way of lying to make us look bad. The fact is, Clorox is often used in dilute form to sterilize water in various water works, but it forms cancer-causing solutions in the water. Chlorine dioxide–which we use—is not poisonous at low concentrations and does NOT transform into cancer-causing agents.

Many things are dangerous if used improperly. That includes, water (which can cause drowning), cars (that can create serious accidents), AC outlets (that can kill you through electrocution), fire (that can burn down the house or a whole forest), etc. As we grow up, we learn how to safely use dangerous things properly, while benefiting from them.

There are also common household liquids or items that will permanently change the color of clothes if spilled on them—such as wine, pure lemon juice, food color, beet juice, and clothes left in the sun. Does that mean they should not be used because they can stain clothes? Well, I’m not a fan of cancer causing food color, but it is FDA approved (why?).

Don’t let any show put a collar on your mind and walk you around like a dog. Think!

By the way: I don’t recommend anyone use Clorox bleach or aspirin since neither are good for you. It is well known that hundreds of people die yearly from using aspirin. Clorox bleach is carcinogenic and OK for use on clothes, but one should never purify drinking water with it. It is NOT the same chemical as MMS!

ABC continues on about the use of MMS on autistic children and how autism cannot be treated. Why have they not bothered to talk with the many parents who have had success with it by following Kerri Rivera’s CD Autism protocol? They totally ignore the HUNDREDS of testimonials from parents who have successfully helped their children recover after the doctors have been of no help. Watch the many autism videos online and read the 600 page book with testimonials straight from the parents yourself (free no-strings download): Download ebook.

ABC interviews the parent of an autistic child who never even used the protocol. The guy admits to having read some bad reviews online. Did he ever bother to read the other side?

Brian Ross says that MMS had something to do with the death of a woman (in 2009) in the Vanatu Islands, several hundred miles east of Australia. While I am personally deeply sorry for the death of this woman, her death cannot be blamed on MMS. When the autopsy was released, which was one year after the death, (all the while the FDA was blaming MMS), it declared that the death was not caused by MMS which ABC lightly touched upon, while the husband wants to blame MMS—that doesn’t make him right. Every year as many as 15,000 adults and children die after taking aspirin or Ibuprofen. The FDA and the ABC reporters searched the world trying to find damage that MMS had actually done. They could not find anything except this one death and a bereaved husband blaming MMS with no proof! The FDA had to quit claiming this death was caused by MMS.

After the commercial break, the program continues by showing an excerpt of a video I shot in the basement of a friend’s house about 5 years ago. The back story you will never hear from ABC is as follows: Earlier in my life I joined the Church of Scientology. They presented an interesting narrative at the time and I explored it as many others have. I left Scientology about 35 years ago and have had no further involvement. I, however, have had what I consider memories of past lives from early childhood. I acknowledge that this is MY belief and that it might all be fiction and in my head. My past life memories unfolded an extensive story about the Earth and its inhabitants. The concept of past lives and reincarnation is not new or exclusive to me. More than half of the people on Earth believe in past lives. I just took it a bit further than most by giving some talks on the subject.

People have often asked me to tell my Story of Earth at MMS seminars. If time permits, I share my story. But, before I get into it, I preface it by saying: “This is MY story and that you don’t have to believe it. It may be all fiction. Do with it as you wish.” I made this video because people asked me to. I later removed the video from YouTube because I realized it could be used by media against me. Well, I guess the video was downloaded by ABC and here it is, on 20/20, clearly being used to make me look bad without giving the whole story. As Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”

This brings me to the church I co-founded and the white outfit you see in the video. If you are from the US, then you should know about the principles the US was founded upon, which heavily depend on the separation of church and state as well as freedom of religion. People in the US are supposedly free to believe in whatever religion they so desire. At the same time, we do not have the freedom of choice when it comes to our health or the health of our children. There are countless examples where people have had medical procedures forced upon them against their will. Vaccines are a perfect example, with plenty of situations where people got very sick, permanently disabled, or even die as a result. This is plain wrong. As a result, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was born. It serves as a legal structure under which its member’s beliefs should be respected, including the right to not be injected with substances of dubious nature; as well as the right to ingest things thought beneficial to their health. Members share their experiences and help improve protocols from actual experience. NOBODY IS FORCED TO TAKE OR DO ANYTHING! Our church does not ask anyone to change their beliefs in whatever God they already follow, if any. We focus on the belief that we have the right to take control of our own health. No cult here. No complex ceremonies. Just a white suit and hat to make a point. Consider what the Pope wears during ceremonies…and 20/20 smears me for wearing a simple white hat?

The program then turns to me and my encounter with Brian Ross. Most of our discussion was cut. Brian asks me about MMS curing breast cancer and I confirm it does, but then he demands proof and immediately says I don’t have any. Remember, I was stopped on the street. I’m supposed to be ready with proof in hand? It’s very simple: The proof is in the thousands of testimonials you can find online, both in video and written form. Some say this is not proof and not scientifically meaningful because there is no double-blind test. Hmmm…ask Lindsay Wagner if she needs more proof? Ask those who are alive today who have healed from stage four cancer and were told they would die soon. WE HAVE NEVER PAID ANYONE FOR A TESTIMONIAL unlike many products you see online. Large numbers of human experiences ARE statistically significant even if ABC doesn’t report on them.

The encounter ends with Brian Ross asking me if I’m just a con man. What should I say to a leading question like that? My answer is: I have been around the world and visited many countries in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and countries in Central and South America, and I have helped thousands of people and very rarely have received any monetary compensation. What can you say I am conning people out of? I don’t sell MMS, others do.

They show an email with a subject line of “THE SIX MI LLION DOLLAR MEN.” Daniel Smith was NOT convicted of selling MMS. I know this is hard to believe. But the fact is Daniel Smith was convicted of smuggling sodium chlorite from Canada. His shipping company simply checked the shipping papers in the wrong square and the prosecutors made a big deal out of it. This again is hard to believe, but in court Daniel was not allowed to present his side of the case. It is a long story, but this is simply the basics. The facts are there for anyone to research:


The Stand By Daniel website is a blog of updates on Daniel, sent out by his father Larry.

Another example of the media distorting truth and the average person assumes the report is correct. In the end, the audience is asked to decide if we are evil and just pretending to have a cure? In my humble opinion, it is evil to put on a program that does not give a fair voice to the many thousands of individuals who have shared their positive experiences with MMS.

I can only give my appreciation again to Lindsay Wagner for sharing her successful use of MMS and also her mentioning the positive experience her friend had in treating their child with autism. Many have shared their experience with MMS on video and we have an archive of MMS video testimonials at http://youtube.com/mmstestimonials1

As far as MMS and autism goes, according to CD Autism, as of October 2016 ‘A total of 235 children have so far been recovered (ATEC score of 10 or below) using the CD Autism protocol.’ This protocol is outlined in the Healing The Symtoms Known as Autism book. Download ebook.

20/20 is doing a disservice to their audience while they clearly have the ability to help their audience. Talk about evil, it is evil to fight against something that has and can help thousands to recover their health. Because of ABC News many will go away and not have the benefit of MMS. They will continue to suffer and many will die because of not using MMS when it is something cheap and easy to use.

There is much more that can be said, but that’s enough for now.

Jim Humble

Notes as per September 4, 2023:

1. Most testimonial videos on Youtube have been taken down due to censorship.
2. This site is no longer active. The WAYBACKMACHINE has this archived LINK (which loads very slowly).

Jim Humble’s Response to ABC News 20/20 Program of October 29, 2016

On Friday, October 29, 2016, ABC ran segments about MMS on at least four programs we know of: Nationally, on ABC World News Tonight and on ABC 2020; and locally in Los Angeles and Tampa Bay.

Not one of these programs made even a single attempt to be fair and balanced. It was all about MMS being a scam, etc.

The next day, we were happy to see that KABC, Los Angeles did an interview with Lindsay Wagner, actress of the 70s TV series, “Bionic Woman.” Wagner was suffering from a chronic case of severe disabling hives and no pharmaceutical drug would help. A friend put her in touch with a woman whose child seemed to be nearly cured of severe autism using MMS. She was desperate (sound familiar?) and decided to give it a try. Within a week she was off Prednisone. The hives disappeared and never came back.

Here is the link to Lindsay’s story:

This kind of positive testimonial is common and there are thousands of them online in both written form and as videos on Youtube—a fact that is rarely if ever given any light on mainstream news.

Lindsay did make it clear that she was not recommending MMS to anyone. That’s ok with me. I just appreciate that she shared her experience as thousands of others have.

On a follow-up article by ABC the next day (containing the 20/20 video) (http://abcnews.go.com/Health/fringe-church-founder-mms-cure/story?id=43158439), they did mention that they received over 500 emails along with a few statements people made.

Now I would like to address the various parts of the ABC 20/20 program itself:

Early on in the program, Mark Grenon is shown at a seminar, where he is mixing and then drinking properly prepared MMS. If it was poison, would he be drinking it?

The program implies that we are gouging attendees by charging $450 per seat at a seminar. Have you ever priced a hotel conference room these days? The organizer is usually charged for each table, table cloth, chair, water, extension cord, projector and screen, internet, pencil, notepad, etc., plus accommodations, food, and travel cost for all those making it happen. MMS seminars usually run from 3 to 5 days long, there isn’t much left after everyone goes home.

2020 talks to Dr. Steven Novella, of Yale School of Medicine about the characteristics of scammers, of course implying that MMS is a scam. I wonder, has the good doc ever bothered to note that there are patented products on the market containing the key ingredients of MMS? Don’t believe me? Do your own real research in the medical literature. The FDA approves of the use of chlorine dioxide (that’s MMS) to preserve vegetables, to spray on meat (which can absorb chlorine dioxide), to purify public water works, and a thousand other uses. All these uses are at concentrations drastically weaker than what could be called a bleach.

Dealing with the news media is not always easy, especially when confronted unexpectedly with cameras, lights and a reporter asking accusatory questions. With that said, I do not approve of calling people, even reporters like Brian Ross, names. Name calling and giving into anger does not accomplish anything. It is my wish to see a productive dialog that brings value to all—not a useless fight. This may be naive on my part, but that is what I would like to see.

The program shows an MMS video testimonial from about 8 years ago where a Dr. John E. Humiston, M.D. made positive comments about MMS. If my memory serves me, he was located in Mexico at the time—a place that enjoys some medical freedom for doctors to actually be doctors. Today, his offices are in San Diego. When asked by 2020 if he now regrets having endorsed MMS, he must of course say yes. Is anyone surprised? No US based doctor will ever endorse something that is not an approved drug if they don’t want to attract the legal arm of the FDA.

2020 then buys some MMS and has it tested at a lab to see what it is made of. Dr. Paul Wong of Autism Speaks says that nobody should ever use MMS because it is an “industrial bleach” and that it is “scary dangerous stuff.” Sure, it would be very dumb for anyone to use it undiluted. It must be properly diluted.

But, what is the audience shown? UNDILUTED MMS poured on jeans and then we are shown how this creates a big white stain. This is a ridiculous mind trick played on those who don’t know how to properly use MMS. Yes, it is true that highly concentrated MMS (chlorine dioxide) will bleach clothes. No question about it. So what? MMS isn’t used that way! It is completely misleading to use a large amount of undiluted solution and then say THAT is what will happen in your body. There are at least 50 US patents that have been issued concerning the use of chlorine dioxide, and that includes the treating of HIV/AIDS, cleaning human blood of pathogens and poisons, and numerous other medical uses.

Common MMS applications involve 1 to 3 activated drops diluted in 4 fl. oz of water. If you use only one drop, then it would be diluted 2,400 times. That is thousands of times less strength than bleach. And as far as Clorox bleach is concerned there is no connection whatsoever. We NEVER use Clorox bleach. We never have nor do we use the ingredients in Clorox bleach. It is a way of lying to make us look bad. The fact is, Clorox is often used in dilute form to sterilize water in various water works, but it forms cancer-causing solutions in the water. Chlorine dioxide–which we use—is not poisonous at low concentrations and does NOT transform into cancer-causing agents.

Many things are dangerous if used improperly. That includes, water (which can cause drowning), cars (that can create serious accidents), AC outlets (that can kill you through electrocution), fire (that can burn down the house or a whole forest), etc. As we grow up, we learn how to safely use dangerous things properly, while benefiting from them.

There are also common household liquids or items that will permanently change the color of clothes if spilled on them—such as wine, pure lemon juice, food color, beet juice, and clothes left in the sun. Does that mean they should not be used because they can stain clothes? Well, I’m not a fan of cancer causing food color, but it is FDA approved (why?).

Don’t let any show put a collar on your mind and walk you around like a dog. Think!

By the way: I don’t recommend anyone use Clorox bleach or aspirin since neither are good for you. It is well known that hundreds of people die yearly from using aspirin. Clorox bleach is carcinogenic and OK for use on clothes, but one should never purify drinking water with it. It is NOT the same chemical as MMS!

ABC continues on about the use of MMS on autistic children and how autism cannot be treated. Why have they not bothered to talk with the many parents who have had success with it by following Kerri Rivera’s CD Autism protocol? They totally ignore the HUNDREDS of testimonials from parents who have successfully helped their children recover after the doctors have been of no help. Watch the many autism videos online and read the 600 page book with testimonials straight from the parents yourself (free no-strings download): Download ebook.

ABC interviews the parent of an autistic child who never even used the protocol. The guy admits to having read some bad reviews online. Did he ever bother to read the other side?

Brian Ross says that MMS had something to do with the death of a woman (in 2009) in the Vanatu Islands, several hundred miles east of Australia. While I am personally deeply sorry for the death of this woman, her death cannot be blamed on MMS. When the autopsy was released, which was one year after the death, (all the while the FDA was blaming MMS), it declared that the death was not caused by MMS which ABC lightly touched upon, while the husband wants to blame MMS—that doesn’t make him right. Every year as many as 15,000 adults and children die after taking aspirin or Ibuprofen. The FDA and the ABC reporters searched the world trying to find damage that MMS had actually done. They could not find anything except this one death and a bereaved husband blaming MMS with no proof! The FDA had to quit claiming this death was caused by MMS.

After the commercial break, the program continues by showing an excerpt of a video I shot in the basement of a friend’s house about 5 years ago. The back story you will never hear from ABC is as follows: Earlier in my life I joined the Church of Scientology. They presented an interesting narrative at the time and I explored it as many others have. I left Scientology about 35 years ago and have had no further involvement. I, however, have had what I consider memories of past lives from early childhood. I acknowledge that this is MY belief and that it might all be fiction and in my head. My past life memories unfolded an extensive story about the Earth and its inhabitants. The concept of past lives and reincarnation is not new or exclusive to me. More than half of the people on Earth believe in past lives. I just took it a bit further than most by giving some talks on the subject.

People have often asked me to tell my Story of Earth at MMS seminars. If time permits, I share my story. But, before I get into it, I preface it by saying: “This is MY story and that you don’t have to believe it. It may be all fiction. Do with it as you wish.” I made this video because people asked me to. I later removed the video from YouTube because I realized it could be used by media against me. Well, I guess the video was downloaded by ABC and here it is, on 20/20, clearly being used to make me look bad without giving the whole story. As Paul Harvey used to say, “Now you know the rest of the story.”

This brings me to the church I co-founded and the white outfit you see in the video. If you are from the US, then you should know about the principles the US was founded upon, which heavily depend on the separation of church and state as well as freedom of religion. People in the US are supposedly free to believe in whatever religion they so desire. At the same time, we do not have the freedom of choice when it comes to our health or the health of our children. There are countless examples where people have had medical procedures forced upon them against their will. Vaccines are a perfect example, with plenty of situations where people got very sick, permanently disabled, or even die as a result. This is plain wrong. As a result, the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing was born. It serves as a legal structure under which its member’s beliefs should be respected, including the right to not be injected with substances of dubious nature; as well as the right to ingest things thought beneficial to their health. Members share their experiences and help improve protocols from actual experience. NOBODY IS FORCED TO TAKE OR DO ANYTHING! Our church does not ask anyone to change their beliefs in whatever God they already follow, if any. We focus on the belief that we have the right to take control of our own health. No cult here. No complex ceremonies. Just a white suit and hat to make a point. Consider what the Pope wears during ceremonies…and 20/20 smears me for wearing a simple white hat?

The program then turns to me and my encounter with Brian Ross. Most of our discussion was cut. Brian asks me about MMS curing breast cancer and I confirm it does, but then he demands proof and immediately says I don’t have any. Remember, I was stopped on the street. I’m supposed to be ready with proof in hand? It’s very simple: The proof is in the thousands of testimonials you can find online, both in video and written form. Some say this is not proof and not scientifically meaningful because there is no double-blind test. Hmmm…ask Lindsay Wagner if she needs more proof? Ask those who are alive today who have healed from stage four cancer and were told they would die soon. WE HAVE NEVER PAID ANYONE FOR A TESTIMONIAL unlike many products you see online. Large numbers of human experiences ARE statistically significant even if ABC doesn’t report on them.

The encounter ends with Brian Ross asking me if I’m just a con man. What should I say to a leading question like that? My answer is: I have been around the world and visited many countries in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and countries in Central and South America, and I have helped thousands of people and very rarely have received any monetary compensation. What can you say I am conning people out of? I don’t sell MMS, others do.

They show an email with a subject line of “THE SIX MI LLION DOLLAR MEN.” Daniel Smith was NOT convicted of selling MMS. I know this is hard to believe. But the fact is Daniel Smith was convicted of smuggling sodium chlorite from Canada. His shipping company simply checked the shipping papers in the wrong square and the prosecutors made a big deal out of it. This again is hard to believe, but in court Daniel was not allowed to present his side of the case. It is a long story, but this is simply the basics. The facts are there for anyone to research:


The Stand By Daniel website is a blog of updates on Daniel, sent out by his father Larry.

Another example of the media distorting truth and the average person assumes the report is correct. In the end, the audience is asked to decide if we are evil and just pretending to have a cure? In my humble opinion, it is evil to put on a program that does not give a fair voice to the many thousands of individuals who have shared their positive experiences with MMS.

I can only give my appreciation again to Lindsay Wagner for sharing her successful use of MMS and also her mentioning the positive experience her friend had in treating their child with autism. Many have shared their experience with MMS on video and we have an archive of MMS video testimonials at http://youtube.com/mmstestimonials

As far as MMS and autism goes, according to CD Autism, as of October 2016 ‘A total of 235 children have so far been recovered (ATEC score of 10 or below) using the CD Autism protocol.’ This protocol is outlined in the Healing The Symtoms Known as Autism book. Download ebook.

2020 is doing a disservice to their audience while they clearly have the ability to help their audience. Talk about evil, it is evil to fight against something that has and can help thousands to recover their health. Because of ABC News many will go away and not have the benefit of MMS. They will continue to suffer and many will die because of not using MMS when it is something cheap and easy to use.

There is much more that can be said, but that’s enough for now.

Jim Humble