Celebrating Jim Humble

From All Corners of the World:
Heartfelt Messages of Remembrance

Thoughts by Cari

August 31, 2024

Having spent well over a decade with Jim Humble, I can only say, the ride has truly been an experience of a lifetime. I first met Jim in early May of 2013. One week after our initial meeting, I received an email from him saying “Come talk to me”—that’s all it said—just those words on the subject line.

I went. We talked, and talked, and talked. One week turned into two, then three, then another and before I knew it well over a decade had passed.

Some years ago, in an interview, I was asked to describe Jim Humble—what was he like and how did he live? Highlights of my response at that time were:

“Jim Humble is truly a man with a mission. He is genuine. There is nothing fake about him. There is no half way with Jim, whatever he does he does with all his heart. He is relentless in his work. He’ll stay up all night if need be, to answer emails in hopes of helping someone. He’ll go to the nth degree to lend a helping hand. His mission is mankind—humanity/saving others/saving the world. He is a generous soul. I’ve never seen him turn anyone away. He loves to help people. He has a heart for the little people. He is a sensitive man.”

I could probably write a book or two about this noble man, but for now I’ll say this:

Jim was all about “keeping it simple.” He was simple, practical and logical. He made things simple so people could “get it.” He was about making things “doable” “reachable” and “attainable.” This was reflected in what he taught and wrote. While he delved into the “science” of a matter, he was not so focused on explaining the more complex details to the masses who often have neither the time nor the patience, or even the understanding for such specifics. Nor was he focused on big words, fancy speech and certainly not on doublespeak. He was concerned about simply helping people know how to get well and stay well. He brought things down to the common man’s level. While he was all for true science, he advocated looking at what and who is behind any given thing, be it a study, research, papers, etc. He cautioned that in today’s world there is a great measure of “science, falsely so called.”

Jim preparing MMS (chlorine dioxide) for a child dying from malaria. The child recovered.

He believed in learning by teaching. “If you have to teach it”, he said, “You not only teach another, but you solidify your own learning as well.” That said, Jim was extremely smart/intelligent. He was an inventor and he came up with some amazing creations. I think he definitely had help from beyond this world—from another realm. He always fixed things, and was pretty ingenious about doing so.

He never passed up a needy situation without trying to do something about it. Whether helping a beggar on the street, or helping to solve some other more complex situation. He was always giving, and never worried about himself, or if he did, he never showed it.

Jim (2015) at the airport after a long flight, waiting to board the next flight.

He was always content in whatever state he was in. He made the best out of every situation. He used to say, “I’m not going to spend my time disliking things.” He was determined to enjoy life and he had fun doing what he did. I recall a time when I was dreading the hassle of travel. The thought of wading through crowds in the airport, lifting heavy luggage, standing in long lines, facing possible delays, sitting for long hours on flights, etc. was weighing on me. “Travel is not what it used to be”, I said. Jim’s reply to me was, “Sweetie, I’m just going to resign myself to enjoy the ride. I’m going to have fun on this trip, even in the airports and on the planes.” And he did. So convicting! Thankfully, I followed his advice—it sure made travels so much easier to simply find joy in every experience. He could fall asleep anywhere—that came in handy during all the travels, when stuck in airports, on planes, in transit and so on.

He was deeply grieved by man’s inhumanity to man. He was about the whole of humanity, not only ministering to an elite few. He treated the poor man on the street and the high ranking official or well-off person in any given country the same. He practiced what he preached which was, “Always do the right thing.” Jim was truly the embodiment of integrity. He was genuinely unassuming.

At the 2017 seminar, it became a moment of humor when people would repeatedly ask questions that were answered in the book. Jim would say enthusiastically: “It’s in the book!” Of course he would answer them on the spot. The attendees gifted Jim this T-shirt at the end of the seminar.

He was always appreciative and thankful and showed his appreciation to others. He gave credit to whom credit was due. If he was wrong about something, he was willing to admit it and change. He embraced advancements with MMS (chlorine dioxide), he was all for it and often experimented with new ways himself. At the same time, he advocated what was tried and proven. Though Jim embraced the new, he was old school in various ways and for a good reason. He advocated the need to always get the proper “balance.”

He wanted to take the confusion out of chlorine dioxide. This is why he wrote the MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. Today, a few people may regard Jim’s formulas as outdated. But as Jim believed, there is something to be said about the original MMS (chlorine dioxide) formula. Not to discard the advancements, or the “new” in any way—but as Jim would put it, “just saying—don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

A small board with Jim’s writing of the Golden Rules of MMS (chlorine dioxide), displayed at a seminar in 2016.

He insisted on finding what works in each individual situation. If something wasn’t working for someone, he patiently dug deep until he found out why. He wasn’t about being “in a box.” He knew every situation was unique and said it was important to find what works for each individual, in the time and place they were at. He acknowledged that everyone is different and what is going on in the body varies from person to person—and that a one-size-fits-all approach is not necessarily the way to go. This in part, prompted him writing up the Three Golden Rules of MMS (chlorine dioxide), and he pointed back to these all the time. He said, “The Three Golden Rules really are the key to getting well,” and, he also said, “These Golden Rules work for all health recovery technologies.” In addition, this is why he wrote about the Health Recovery Plan (HRP) in his Guidebook. “There really is only one MMS (chlorine dioxide) Protocol,” he would say, and “if people get the principle of the Health Recovery Plan they have a chance at recovery.”

He loved to laugh. When others would suggest he worked too much, he would say, “But I’m having fun at what I do.” He loved poetry and wrote some himself. He would recite some of his own poems for others, and was known for quoting the infamous story of Dan McGrew.

Jim Humble’s legacy is that he had the will and the determination to freely give his discovery to the world, and as a result, millions of lives have been changed. Through his efforts many health uses of chlorine dioxide have been brought to light worldwide.

A few days before Jim transitioned, as he was sleeping, I literally saw many glowing orbs of light around him–with my eyes wide open, I sat at his side for a long period of time engulfed in peace as I watched the beings. I had a sense it was a time of preparation–that Jim was being “prepared” for something. When he woke, I shared with him what I observed. I explained to him what I saw around him as he lay in bed. He calmly and matter-of-factly said to me, “I know, Sweetie, I saw them too.” I was rather amazed, I don’t know why, but excitedly I asked, “You saw them?” and again, he calmly said to me, “Yes, but I always see them.” To my surprise I asked, “You do? You always see angels, why didn’t you tell me? To which he responded, “I don’t know, I guess I forgot.” To him it seemed that seeing angelic beings all around was a normal event.

Jim’s wish and wise counsel for others through the years has always been:
“Get my book, read it, learn about MMS. If you don’t know about it, educate yourself, tell your friends, tell other people, and use it. Don’t forget to take your maintenance dose of chlorine dioxide (MMS) daily.” Then he would add, “Exercise is important. Walk and do some daily jumps to strengthen your bones. Adopt a deep breathing practice, and don’t forget to always do the right thing and help one another.”

Before his passing, he was insistent that we must “Be careful!” He said, “Be careful, because if you aren’t, you might screw up. Be careful about what’s happening around you. You gotta be careful both physically and spiritually, so you’ll be ok. Like soldiers we have to always be on watch.”

Jim endorsed and taught longevity, that one could live to 100 and sometimes beyond. But more than that, he said the most important thing is to accomplish what one is here on this Earth to achieve. Jim did that, he brought the miracle mineral to the world, just as he vowed he would do when he was back in the jungle in 1996, and now others are carrying his torch.

He passed over from this realm on Sept 1, 2023, peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones. He moved on to where he can be free of the restricting conditions that exist in this dimension. Jim is still on his mission and continues to champion for humanity from a new vantage point. I’m sure he is quite busy. Some have already written me, sharing their experiences with Jim since his passing.

As we celebrate the life of this extraordinary man–if MMS (chlorine dioxide) has helped you or someone you know, consider paying it forward by telling others. And remember too, Jim’s mission was not only to spread the word about his amazing discovery, but as he often said, (and more importantly, how he lived), “Take time out to notice the things around you. Maybe someone needs a smile, a pat on the back, or for you to lend them a hand. Keep doing the right thing”, and he would add, “Remember, we should always help one another.”

Just yesterday I received an email from someone saying, “We are so grateful to God for Jim Humble, that millions of people in pain are getting help.” Jim wrote in his MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, “This book is dedicated to the many suffering people of this world.”

As we pay tribute to Jim, I ask you who are reading this now to stop if you will, and take a moment of silence to remember all the many people who are suffering in this world. Many thanks for doing your part to change the world around you.

Here’s to your good health, happiness, and good fortune along the way.

Jim addressing the audience at the Spirit of Health Conference. Hannover, Germany, 2015.

Spread the word...

If you want to commemorate this unique individual, please consider the following: If MMS/chlorine dioxide has helped you or a loved one, please take a moment to write up your experience. It need not be long, even a sentence or two will be appreciated, sign your name and location, or keep it anonymous if you like. Thank you for helping to spread the word. You can post your story, or write up your one or two-line testimony here:

Lots of Pictures & Tributes below…

Thoughts by
Andreas Kalcker

September 1, 2024

Dear Jim (wherever you are),

I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for the incredible impact you’ve had on my life and the lives of millions around the world. Your pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication to health have not only inspired me but have also ignited a movement that has transformed countless lives.

Your discovery was a turning point, a beacon of hope that encouraged many to take charge of their health and well-being. It opened the door to new possibilities and empowered individuals to explore alternative paths to wellness. Because of your work, we are witnessing a global awakening, where people are learning to trust in their ability to heal and thrive.

I am eternally grateful to you and the universe for bringing us together as friends in this vital journey. Together, we are part of a larger mission—one that aims to change the landscape of health for the better. Your courage and vision have paved the way for other discoveries, creating a ripple effect that continues to save lives.

Thank you for being a milestone in my life and for your relentless fight for a healthier world. I look forward to continuing this journey with you and many others who share our vision.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Thoughts by
Sasha Stone

“My dear friend, Jim. I can’t believe the time has come to say goodbye. The 2 years that you lived with me as a part of my family are forever etched in my heart and mind. As I told you in February of 2011 when I went to the Dominican Republic to thank you for the answers to my prayers I told you I would do as you have done. Here I am after 13 years and 100,000+ people knowing that there is a solution and that you brought it to us, the masses. You are a true humanitarian. I am grateful to have been able to have known your children Paris and James. I am so very sorry for their loss. And your beautiful, caring wife of 10 years, Cari. She took such good care of you. Always making sure you were perfect. She will miss you. My heart is broken. This news seems so final. I hope you carry in your heart how much I love you and I always will. You are one of the greatest blessings in my life. Forever and always. Your friend and family of the heart.”

Kerri Rivera – 9/6/2023 07:29:03